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Top 3 Magnesium Supplements of 2024

Updated 06/30/2024

What's Magnesium? And How Do I Choose the Best Supplement?

Have you ever wondered how your body converts food into energy? Magnesium makes this essential process possible, along with hundreds of other vital functions that our bodies execute almost automatically--including muscle movements and regulating the nervous system. In fact, without magnesium, our bodies would completely shut down. 

That’s why it’s so shocking to hear that an estimated 75% of Americans don't get an adequate amount despite eating magnesium-rich foods. What most people don’t know is that a magnesium deficiency can trigger at least 22 different medical conditions, ranging from anxiety and insomnia to type II diabetes, and liver disease.

However, not all Magnesium supplements are created equally. Many supplements contain insufficient dosages or inferior forms of magnesium that aren’t absorbed well by the body.

We tested 67 different magnesium supplements, and have identified the top 3 available on the market today. 

Although magnesium is found in plenty of foods (nuts, avocados, dark chocolate), it can still be difficult to consume the daily recommended amount. You’d have to drink almost 7 cups of soy milk or eat 12 bananas a day just to meet the minimum requirement!


Magnesium and Immunity:

There are so many benefits to magnesium, that it's easy to overlook the role it plays with your immunity. Magnesium helps develop antibodies — your last line of defense keeping harmful bacteria or viruses take hold.  These antibodies target these pathogens and destroy them, keeping your body safe from infection or disease.


Benefits Of Magnesium:

Brain function

Heart maintain a healthy beat

Muscles regulate their contractions

Blood pressure stay low by breaking down sugars

Immune system stay powerful and healthy

Bones stay strong

Body produce energy and create new DNA and RNA

If you believe you may benefit from taking a Magnesium supplement, here are some things to consider before making a purchase.

What to Look for in a Magnesium Supplement:

Contains zinc & vitamin D3

Zinc works by activating T-cells, which attack infected cells and help reduce inflammation especially in the mouth and throat where soreness is prevalent.

Vitamins D3 is twice as effective as D2 at increasing blood vessels. It works with the zinc to activate T-cells, which reduce the risk of every infectious disease. 

Multiple forms of magnesium
Many magnesium supplements will contain one form of magnesium. To see maximum results, opt for one that contains at least THREE. We recommend: Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate, and Magnesium Malate.

Pay attention to dosage
You’ll see supplements with as little as 20 mg of magnesium, which is ineffective. It's also not as simple as "more is better." For instance, taking too much synthetic, low-quality D3, can be dangerous.

**We recommend looking for at least 200 mg of magnesium and at least 1,000 IU of D3.**


What to Avoid:

  1. Synthetic Forms of D3 or D2

    Be wary of any supplement containing ergocalciferol or artificial or unnecessary ingredients or fillers. These are not only ineffective, they can cause uncomfortable, dangerous side effects

  2. Very High Dosages

    While many nutrients are not harmful in large quantities, taking too much Magnesium -- and too much Vitamin D -- can cause health complications and unnecessary strain on your liver and other organs. 

  3. Unknown Manufacturers

    You should be able to clearly understand the label, and you should be able to independently verify any claims made by the company. 

The Results Are In...

With these guidelines in mind, we scoured the market for the best Magnesium supplement available today.

We tested 67 different brands and narrowed them down to the top 3.

Top Picks are updated monthly based on testing and analyses:

Top Pick

5 stars

Consumers Survey Recommended

  • Three forms of Magnesium
  • Cholecalciferol D3 - potent, fat-soluble
  • 100% all-natural, vegan formula
  • 365-day money-
    back guarantee
  • Made in the USA

Call Live Conscious Toll Free:
(866) 949-7799

#1: MagWell® By Live Conscious


MagWell contains a 225 mg blend of highly bioavailable magnesium, including glycinate, citrate, and malate

Additionally, each serving contains 7.5 mg of zinc and 25 mcg of vitamin D3 to enhance the absorption of magnesium and support strong bones and a healthy heart. 

Consumers will be pleased to know that Live Conscious offers a 365-day money-back guarantee, which tells us they stand behind they're product. 

Buy Now On Amazon > >


5 stars

Call Essential Elements Toll Free:
(888) 343-9888

#2: Magnesium + Zinc with Vitamin D3 by Essential Elements

Essential Elements offers a powerful take on a magnesium supplement and is just as potent as our #1 pick. It's another great option for people looking to achieve optimal magnesium levels.

Users reported that their tablets were very easy to swallow and didn't leave behind any sort of aftertaste.

This product is also available on Amazon, making ordering a breeze. Plus, their formula contains no preservatives, and is shellfish-, dairy- and gluten-free.

With that in mind, we felt that Essential Elements was a strong pick for #2

Buy Now On amazon> >


5 stars

Call 1MD Nutrition Toll Free:
(888) 393-4030

#3: MagMD® Plus by 1MD Nutrition

Like our two products, MagMD Plus from 1MD Nutrition contains a 225mg-magnesium blend, including the 3 potent chelates mentioned above.

It also contains zinc and vitamin D3 to help support the absorption of magnesium, as well as a healthy heart and strong bones.

Despite it's reputation for producing high-quality products, MagMD Plus places third on our list since it's still relatively new and hasn't received much customer feedback. 

1MD backs all of their products with a 90-day return policy


Buy Now On Amazon> >

P.S. While Live Conscious had the best Magnesium supplement we found, we would still love to hear about any others you've tried. If you have had a great experience of your own, please send me an email to Beverly@ConsumersSurvey.org with the details.

Beverly Gratson,
Senior Health Editor

Back to Our #1 Choice

What We Do

ConsumersSurvey uses a unique three-step approach to reviewing the most popular products in the online marketplace

  • 1. Research First we conduct in-house research with a highly qualified editorial team comprised of individuals who specialize in various fields.

  • 2. SurveyWe survey our readers who have tried the product over time in order to learn from their experiences.

  • 3. OpinionWe monitor public opinion in the world’s most popular marketplaces, from Amazon and eBay, to Bizrate and Pricegrabber.


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