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#9: Culturelle Digestive Health Probiotic Review

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  • Contains only 10 billion cultures
  • Uses the strain Lactobacillus GG (unfortunately that's the only one used)
  • Contains prebiotic Inulin
  • Has multiple synthetic fillers
  • Can be stored at room temperature
  • Offers a limited 90 day money-back guarantee (with a lot of red tape)

Culturelle Digestive Health Probiotic contains one strain, Lactobacillus GG, that helps to support your local digestive system. This single strain leaves much to be desired since our body needs a wide variety of good bacteria strains to help balance the gut.

The do include the prebiotic Inulin, even if the dosage is very low at 200mg.

The potency comes in with 10 billion live cultures in each dose. This is not the most highest potency we've seen and we do recommend products with 30-50 billion.


Culturelle is a well-known brand with a positive reputation. So many in fact, it was hard to find any reviews that were negative. At first glance, they make the brand seem amazing but after digging and researching we found users that felt some of the reviews were skewed or even fake.

In fact, one reader reported a negative review they added to the brand's site was never actually posted on the site. So it's possible some form of moderation is going on with these reviews making it harder to trust the reviews.


Culturelle offers a decent 90 day guarantee. However, it does not include shipping and you have to send back the unused product with a store receipt and a note explaining why you want the refund.

There website also states it can take 4-6 weeks just for your return to be processed.


Culturelle is a very well-known brand in the health community. The positive reviews, guarantee and ingredients puts this product in our 3rd place position. However, it is not the best formula we've seen. It's low live culture and single strain formula concerns us. The 90 day guarantee is stronger than many on the market, even if they take 4-6 weeks just to process the refund.

For more information or to purchase this product visit culturelle.com.

P.S. While 1MD is the best probiotic supplement we've found, we would still love to hear about any others you've tried. If you have had a great experience of your own, please send me an email at Beverly@ConsumersSurvey.org with the details.


Beverly Gratson


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